
Tuesday Jun 12, 2018
Episode 07: Faye Wachs (Part 1)
Tuesday Jun 12, 2018
Tuesday Jun 12, 2018
Episode 7 is the first half of our conversation with Faye Wachs about getting facial paralysis as a result of Bell's Palsy. We discuss her story and the misinformation that people often receive. We talk about the steps people should take and language they should use when looking for treatment. Faye discusses her surgeries, including the incredible Selective Neurolysis proceedure to combat synkinesis. Finally, we talk briefly about her study of over 100 facial paralysis patients and get a glimpse of what's to come in part 2! This is a very informative episode not to be missed!
Don't forget to subscribe here or on iTunes:
If you have any questions/comments about the podcast please comment below or contact us at:
Email: UniqueSmilesPodcast@gmail.com
A big THANK YOU to our sponsors:
http://facialparalysisfoundation.org/ and https://www.risephysicaltherapy.com/
Also, a big THANK YOU to Wes Hutchinson for allowing the use of his beautiful song, "Summer Love" for the podcast. You can check Wes' music at https://weshutchinson.com/

Sunday Apr 01, 2018
Episode 06: Andrea Devine
Sunday Apr 01, 2018
Sunday Apr 01, 2018
In Episode 6 we talk to Andrea Devine about getting facial paralysis as a result of surgery to remove a tumor when she was 4 months old. We discuss dealing with FP while going to school - including the dreaded school picture day, dating and relationships, therapy, and acceptance. Lastly, we end by discussing surgical procedures she's had done including the static sling and facial reanimation surgery. This is a very informative episode not to be missed!
Don't forget to subscribe here or on iTunes:
If you have any questions/comments about the podcast please comment below or contact us at:
Email: UniqueSmilesPodcast@gmail.com
A big THANK YOU to our sponsors:
http://facialparalysisfoundation.org/ and https://www.risephysicaltherapy.com/
Also, a big THANK YOU to Wes Hutchinson for allowing the use of his beautiful song, "Summer Love" for the podcast. You can check Wes' music at https://weshutchinson.com/

Monday Mar 19, 2018
Episode 05: Jim Ross - WWE Hall of Famer, Broadcaster
Monday Mar 19, 2018
Monday Mar 19, 2018
In Episode 5 we talk to Jim Ross, a New York Times' Best-Selling Author, WWE Hall of Famer, and the voice of Pro Wrestling to millions of fans! We discuss his upcoming "Slobberknocker Session" along with his autobiography "Slobberknocker: My Life in Wrestling". We also discuss JR's three bouts with Bell's Palsy, including how he dealt with one case while it happened live on TV. JR also tells us his mindset on not letting Bell's Palsy get in the way of being on television and doing his dream job. If you are looking for inspiration, a role model, and a great mindset about overcoming facial paralysis, this is the episode for you!
For JR's BBQ products, please visit: https://shop.wwe.com
Purchase JR's autobiography Slobberkocker: My Life in Wrestling on Amazon.
Follow JR on Twitter: @JRsBBQ
Don't forget to subscribe here or on iTunes:
If you have any questions/comments about the podcast please comment below or contact us at:
Email: UniqueSmilesPodcast@gmail.com
A big THANK YOU to our sponsors:
http://facialparalysisfoundation.org/ and https://www.risephysicaltherapy.com/
Also, a big THANK YOU to Wes Hutchinson for allowing the use of his beautiful song, "Summer Love" for the podcast. You can check Wes' music at https://weshutchinson.com/

Wednesday Mar 14, 2018
Episode 04: Matthew Joffe - Vice President of the Moebius Syndrome Foundation
Wednesday Mar 14, 2018
Wednesday Mar 14, 2018
In Episode 4 we talk to Matthew Joffe, the Vice President of the Moebius Syndrome Foundation. We discuss what exactly is Moebius Syndrome, challenges of living with Moebius Syndrome, including: school, landing employment, and social settings. We also discuss the benefits of therapy, and what parents can do when dealing with a child with Moebius Syndrome. Matthew also tells us about his love for acting and recalls Opening Night of the first play he acted in.
For more information about Moebius Syndrome, please visit:
Don't forget to subscribe here or on iTunes:
If you have any questions/comments about the podcast please comment below or contact us at:
Email: UniqueSmilesPodcast@gmail.com
A big THANK YOU to our sponsors:
http://facialparalysisfoundation.org/ and https://www.risephysicaltherapy.com/
Also, a big THANK YOU to Wes Hutchinson for allowing the use of his beautiful song, "Summer Love" for the podcast. You can check Wes' music at https://weshutchinson.com/

Friday Mar 02, 2018
Episode 03: Emily Schmitz
Friday Mar 02, 2018
Friday Mar 02, 2018
In Episode 3 we talk to Emily Schmitz, the administrator of the Facial Nerve Paralsysis Support Network group on Facebook. We talk about getting Bell's Palsy in middle school, growing up in a world of social media, the creation of the FNPSN Facebook group, finding love with FP, and her upcoming wedding and the pictures that go with it. She also gives her tips and tricks, and advice to those dealing with facial paralysis.
Don't forget to subscribe here or on iTunes:
If you have any questions/comments about the podcast please comment below or contact us at:
Email: UniqueSmilesPodcast@gmail.com
A big THANK YOU to our sponsors:
http://facialparalysisfoundation.org/ and https://www.risephysicaltherapy.com/
Also, a big THANK YOU to Wes Hutchinson for allowing the use of his beautiful song, "Summer Love" for the podcast. You can check Wes' music at https://weshutchinson.com/

Friday Feb 23, 2018
Episode 02: Mary Jo Buttafuoco
Friday Feb 23, 2018
Friday Feb 23, 2018
In Episode 2 we talk to Mary Jo Buttafuoco, who had arguably the most famous case of facial paralysis. In 1992, Mary Jo was thrust into the national media spotlight when she was shot in the face by a 17-year-old girl, who was having an affair with her husband. Now, Mary Jo is an author, motivational speaker, and one of the founders of the Facial Paralysis and Bells Palsy Foundation.
We discuss dealing with facial paralysis in a time where there was very little information available, the mental side of facial paralysis, and how appearing on the Oprah Winfrey Show changed her life and ultimately led to the creation of the Facial Paralysis and Bells Palsy Foundation. Mary Jo also gives her advice to those who are trying to cope or might be new to facial paralysis. This is definitely worth a listen! Hope you enjoy it!
You can also read/hear more about Mary Jo's story by purchasing a copy of her book: "Getting it Through My Thick Skull"
Also, here's the link to the awards show we discuss:
Email: uniquesmilespodcast@gmail.com
A big THANK YOU to our sponsors:
http://facialparalysisfoundation.org/ and https://www.risephysicaltherapy.com/

Friday Feb 23, 2018
Episode 01: Introduction and Brian's Story
Friday Feb 23, 2018
Friday Feb 23, 2018
In Episode 01 we bring you an introduction to the Unique Smiles Podcast. What it's about, what the objective is, and a bit of what you can expect going forward. Podcast host, Brian Apprille, shares his story of facial paralysis resulting from Ramsay Hunt Syndrome. He talks about his struggles, his thought process in trying to get back on stage in the public eye, and gives some advice for those who are on their journey dealing with facial paralysis.
View his stand-up comedy clip about Ramsay Hunt Syndrome here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dxNEyoSXMzM&t=146s
He is available for speaking engagements or comedy shows. You can visit his website: http://comedybrian.com/
If you have any questions/comments about the podcast please comment below or contact us at:
Email: UniqueSmilesPodcast@gmail.com
A big THANK YOU to our sponsors:
http://facialparalysisfoundation.org/ and https://www.risephysicaltherapy.com/